Zip Gun Guides FAQ

Welcome to the "Zip Gun Guide" section. A few years back we tried our hands at writing & publishing some e-books, but the return on investment was not sufficient to justify the cost of the URL. The books are, however, still available

You too can help save the honey bee... Planting bee friendly flowers and avoiding pesticides in your garden helps; Buying organic when you can is a great step; But why not try keeping bees yourself?

It is claimed that Einstein predicted mankind would be extinct within four years, if the honey bee died out. Both the attribution and the prediction may be questionable, but it is a hard fact that honey bees are dying, and their work as pollinators is crucial to many crops.

Over a third of the food we eat needs honey bees to do their thing!

This book will introcuce you to beekeeping and guide you through your first year of beekeeping using a top-bar hive.
  • how to tell the queen from a drone, or a worker;
  • the differences between top-bar and traditional frame hives;
  • where to put your hive;
  • how to install a package of bees in a top-bar hive;
  • when and how to feed your bees;
  • and so much more...
For other ideas on helping the honey bee check out these sites: The Pollinator Stewardship Council (US), Save Our Bees by Enligtened Bugs, Bees In Decline by GREENPEACE Europe.

Thinking about keeping a few chickens and want some idea of what you are getting yourself into?

When I first thought about it, there were dozens, maybe hundreds, of chicken keeping books out there, but the ones I read were mainly "do this, then this" type instructional manuals or far to involved for a novice. None of them really gave me a feel for what was involved.

This is an introductory guide to the ups and downs of hobby henkeeping that chronicles my first year as a chicken keeper. You'll almost certainly still need an instruction book, but hopefully my experiences will convince you that chickens should be part of your life, and this guide will help bridge the gap between thinking about it and doing it.

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